Saturday, September 10, 2011


Definitely Mon Petit-ami :).
It was started about 8 months ago. We were Skypeing  almost everyday then continued with some dates. We usually go to theater for watching movies of course, or sometimes we just had dinner or drink STMJ hehe. and  with this buddy we explore this town

His Piaggio Vespa. The cutest  vehicle i've ever seen. I called this buddy "si Biru" (means the Blue) hehehe.

But by this post i want to tell you something about a real Love. Hahaha yeah! You guys might be laughing when i wrote those words, i mean you must be thought, 'What the? A high school girl talking about a real Love?! They're still 'ababil' and Love for them just about holding hands at mall, Gombal things and other lebay things'. But not for me. I learned from this Man how to accepting him just the way he is, how to trust him in every way, Forgiving, Struggling, how to be a mature girl, and most of all, how this Man made me not just to say I LOVE HIM but also say I LOVE US. You know the differences, right? i can't describe clearly by words. idk i just can't found some perfect words. Love is relative it's depend on us whom feel its.But when it comes to you life is just too wonderful. Love stories sometimes have something true. hehehe

Day #6 already beat. Hitting my bed by this time. Bonne nuit :)


Btw, i missed you :*

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