Sunday, September 25, 2011

That Fragile-ly

Have you been in the situation that you're actually not belong to but you're thought that you belong to that? Well i've been. I thought that i was really needed there and people will be excited for me, but in fact no. It seems like i got punked by myself. I was too confident and i'm really sure, that i was the important one. But then taa-daa they rejected me. I know i am the invisible person but i was promise to myself to be a better person and try to brave to showing myself. But no one cares. I always said to myself "Everything's gonna be okay" when something that i trust to suddenly flew up away or if my heart got something, you know, not comfort seems like something tell me "Hey there's something bad going to you". Well, at the first time my own suggestion worked. It was Okay but then when i feel really okay, peace, and happy there just always something make me down and that's make me feel useless. I tell ya that hurt is really stab my heart deeply. It seems like something or might be someone doesn't want to see me happy.
But, i try to let it all flow. though it's kinda hard but i still have my Mood-Booster :)

But there's one thing haunt my self. Should i have a backup plan? Cause i really scared to lose something that really good in my life.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I am totally sorry i didn't continue the challenge. School's really pressured me and i have to study like every time. But i'll be back and continue the challenge or perhaps posting something new. Or might be if i can steal some minutes i'll post something here. just wait. but, for meanwhile i have to stay


Have a nice Days,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday in twice

Yeep i made mistake yesterday. i forgot to post the challenge cause i had a date hehehe. So it's gonna be a double post again.  Leggo!
Day #12, Shuffle Song
It's a nice song from Alicia Keys ft. John Mayer Lesson Learned. It's actually not a happy song instead it's just make me lame and it's remembering me of something in the past that i hate it. Just check the lyrics

He broke my heart
And now it's raining
Just to rub it in
I'm at your door
I feel so crazy about it
You'll say I told you so
You saw it long ago
You knew he had to go
I finally came 'round
I'm back on solid ground
Can't let it get me down

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned
Mistake overturned
So I call it a lesson learned
My soul has returned
So I call it a lesson learned
Another lesson learned

Some lies
Can take a minute
To fully realize
His tears
Your eyes
Thirty seconds to apologize
You give it one more chance
Just like the time before
But he already know you'd give a hundred more
Until that night in bed
You wake up in a sweat
You're racing to the door
Can't take it anymore

Life perfect
Ain't perfect
If you don't know what the struggle's for
Falling down ain't falling down
If you don't cry when you hit the floor
It's called the past cause I'm getting past
And I ain't nothing like I was before
You ought to see me now

Got what i mean right? Past isn't really good for me but it doesn't mean that i've never had a happy past. I spent my childhood with some nice friends, and mommy and daddy and opung really love me. But in this case i mean 'those cheesy things' if we're not choose the right one it's just make us hurt. I bet everyone ever get hurt included me. but it was just in Past. Just forget it and love what you have now :)

Maaan this is lame haha!

Day #13, Somewhere you'd like to visit

Venice, Italy! No reason! everyone knows that That place is the most beautiful and romantic city in this world! Someday i'll go there. AMEN! :D

Happy Saturd :):),

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Day #11

Dream Wedding.
Hmmm.. Well i bet it will be so traditionally cause my parents said that i have to use the Batak Traditional wedding cause it's a must, and after all i want to do it cause i want it. I realized it's our must to keep the culture and i really proud to be a Batak girl hehe :)
But in this post we mentioned a Dream Wedding. So let's Dreaming
I'm thinking of a Dreamland wedding. It sounds dorky and childish eh? A wedding should be a splendid-mature party it shouldn't be like a birthday party but whatever! I will choose a beautiful meadow and all the stuffs are white and there are many flowers too and don't forget about the Sun flares! Then I will wear a long white dress with some pink flowers as my hand bouquet. i will be The queen of that 'Dreamland' and Mon petit-ami will be The King and he'll look totally handsome in his white special Tuxedo. I'll hire Norah Jones, Jamie Cullum, and might be Racoon to give the sweet touch on my wedding.Then taa-daa a Perfect Wedding  has just arranged! hehe :p
and It will be lovely and the most happy day! Just imagine that i could feel that Shiver. I will be terribly blessed if it's happen.

Hahaha this is the most twisted post ever :D


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 in 1

been feckly fed up by those tasks, tests and so on. i will make this post quick as i could cause i still have somethings to make it up. But firstly i do want to pay my debts in this bloggy cause, idk, i just feel bad i missed some challenges. well, actually they just three but whatsoever here are them

Something You Miss

Bicycling! It's been so long since the last time i drove my bike. It's about 2 years ago, i went to searching something that i need immediately that time, but sadly the tire was deflated so it was kinda heavy to paddle it. But i still enjoyed it. It was really fun. I do expect to have a new one and if i could, i would make it like this cute bike

Cute isn't it? It's really vintage and i love that basket. I imagine when i ride with that bike, i wear a vintage dress, then riding around the flower meadow while i'm listening to soft jazz songs, Sun flares beautifully, There's Mon petit-ami too! Offering me an isotonic drinks (sound like ads on tv, right? hahaha). If it'll happen, I will be the happiest girl in this world *blah!
Done day #8!

Your Favorite Movie
This Princess is ruling myself. I felt in love with her since i dont know when. I started with her novel and i amazed with her traits and her thoughts. Sometimes she's doing silly but she always found the solutions by herself. Anne Hathaway such a beautiful girl and she was really fitted to Princess Mia.
So Princess Diaries give me a lot of fresh and positive thoughts and i know about the self-actualization from her. Thank You Princess Genovia (I love the Genovia's song  btw: Genovia the land i called my home... wish that country is really existed)

Quote of Mia that i love :)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear"
Done day #9!

Favorite Picture with bestfriends
Meet my girls :D

Since Junior high we spend our times together. It's really good to having friends like them. Knows me well *u know me so well -__-*, always there for me and so on. They're just like my sisters. But since we graduated from junior high we rarely meet each other cause the crazy high school stuffs. We just met once a month, but if we lucky it could be twice or trice. We sometimes doing photoshoots if Rachel not lazy to bring her camera, Oh yeaah almost forgot! Their names are Rachel and Nadya hehehe. Sorry my bad :p.
Well that's just a piece from our photo collections we took sooo many pictures. Cant wait to doing something dorky, silly, and others crazy things with em. Miss y'all ;D
Done day #10!

Finally i completed the challenges :D. have to go now something waits me. Good night

Bonne nuit,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday is dreaming

My dream future would be a Happily ever after. In that case i don't really intend to be like fairy tales endings. i mean like,  married to a perfect prince and living in the beautiful palace then living happy forever without any problems. But future in these days have many problems. I probably can marry to a perfect Man (Mon petit-ami does hehe :p) but living at a real beautiful palace is quite impossible. I dont expect to have a really big or splendid house but a comfort and not-too-small or not-too-big house would be really nice to living inside it. Is not about have much money or some stuffs too i would be grateful whatever God will give to me. But firstly, when the future come to me, and when i step on it very first time, i just want to be an independent girl. I want to step on my own foot before i step on my future husband's foot. Then one thing again about to reach self-actualization. I don't know how it'll be but my mom said it will be really wonderful. Yeah we'll see :)
Those are just my hopes and dreams. I surrender to Jesus, whatever He will give to me, i will be grateful. He has a perfect way to make me happy :)

Happy Sunday :),

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Definitely Mon Petit-ami :).
It was started about 8 months ago. We were Skypeing  almost everyday then continued with some dates. We usually go to theater for watching movies of course, or sometimes we just had dinner or drink STMJ hehe. and  with this buddy we explore this town

His Piaggio Vespa. The cutest  vehicle i've ever seen. I called this buddy "si Biru" (means the Blue) hehehe.

But by this post i want to tell you something about a real Love. Hahaha yeah! You guys might be laughing when i wrote those words, i mean you must be thought, 'What the? A high school girl talking about a real Love?! They're still 'ababil' and Love for them just about holding hands at mall, Gombal things and other lebay things'. But not for me. I learned from this Man how to accepting him just the way he is, how to trust him in every way, Forgiving, Struggling, how to be a mature girl, and most of all, how this Man made me not just to say I LOVE HIM but also say I LOVE US. You know the differences, right? i can't describe clearly by words. idk i just can't found some perfect words. Love is relative it's depend on us whom feel its.But when it comes to you life is just too wonderful. Love stories sometimes have something true. hehehe

Day #6 already beat. Hitting my bed by this time. Bonne nuit :)


Btw, i missed you :*

Friday, September 09, 2011

Follow Friday

I bet it'll be a short post cause today's challenge's topic is about something you don't leave without. Like others people, i cant leave home without bag, blackberry with its charger, some cash, sometimes i bring a book or a novel, scrunchy, hairpins, pen or pencil. Well that's all for the day #5 challenge.
don't have any idea what to write this sprue is freakin' me out! Gotta search some supplements. Toodles

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Day #4

Zodiac Time!!
When i was at junior high i really neat to read the Zodiac forecast at magazines and newspapers. But still, i'm not a Zodiac believer i just deem it for having fun hehehe. and as you know, I am a Lion *roar*  My birth is 11 August  so my zodiac is

.L E O.

Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo’s problem becomes everyone’s problem.  Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing.  Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 

Some Facts:
Lucky Number - 1 
Lucky Color - Gold and range
Lucky Flower - Marigold
Lucky Gemstone - Amber, Tourmaline, Topaz, Ruby and Diamond
Lucky Day - Sunday 
Best love match: Leos can find great match in Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra and Virgo. 

Hahahhaa just that things what i founded. And for those facts i don't put my trust. okaaaay Day 4th ends. Gotta back tomorrow, ciao


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Pictures represent thousands Words

Some few things make me happy :)

Ice Cream is a girl bestfriend :)
I smell Greece :)
Love this movie soo much!

Flowers :)

Under her voice's spell


Sun Flares

Clouds and Sky

La tour Eiffel

Summer's water
Third Day completed! Gonna back to school tomorrow. Horaay to me!!


Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Deuxième Journée

Song to match my mood. A LOT!
I heard several songs today from Kings of Convenience, Maroon 5, John Mayer and they all match to my mood today. i feel really good today. but honestly i'm missing someone so baad. So i think this song is the most suitable for me

Those sweet Words - Norah Jones

According to its name, this song has a sweet lyrics. I remembered when Mon petit-ami told me something really romantic and nice and when i asked him to say it again he was Shy and laughed. haha, i miss him

What did you say
I know you were singing
My ears won't stop ringing
Long enough to hear
Those sweet words
And your simple melody


Day #1 Challenge

Introducing me,

People used to call me Tassya, i'm recently 17 years old last August, the first daughter, have one lil bro named Oca. I am a pure Batak girl with the last name Sianturi. Height 168 cm, weight almost 50 kg (I'm getting fat soo fast this year and if i can't control my Eat time, I will be a super big girl AND I WON'T IT HAPPEN!!), A short-shoulder brown hair, a tan wanna be skin, and i'm passing my last year at high school this year.

Random Facts Me,

Random Fact #1
I am a Tempe Lovers! Do you guys know about tempe? i bet you know it. It's an indonesian food and trust me the taste is incredible! I could eat 5 at once and Sambel terasi makes it much better. I'm really thankful to those people who created The tempe :D

Random Fact #2
I adore my Mom's cheek! Since i was kid i always caress my mom's cheek before i fall asleep. Mom hates it actually but i really love to do it. And until now sometimes i do it when i sleep with my mom hehe.

Random Fact #3
I love to singing out loud! Whenever i get bored i always singing out loud. At class, bathroom, car, everywhere. One day my teacher got mad to me cause i cant stop singing. I feel sorry to her cause she doesn't know how wonderful this world when we are singing

Random Fact #4
Don't know why - Norah Jones is my forever favorite song. And just by this song i can play the piano good enough

Random Fact #5
I put my desire on French. I really love its country, language, culture everything about French. Je l'aime beaucoup :)

Random Fact #6
I love my pink blanket. I always tuck myself with it no matter its hot or cold. I feel safe and comfort in it. I was bought it about 5 years ago when me and my family had a vacation to Bali island. We bought 3 blankets with a different colors and i took the pink one. I always carry it whenever i'm going trip to another city.

Random Fact #7
I can showering trice a day. I love to play with water and sometimes when i feel really heat at night i take a bath before go asleep. And it makes my sleep better.

Random Fact #8
Every my school note books have a scratch at the last page. I sometimes draw something 'geje', or write down about my random feels, and sometimes write song lyrics. and my favorite phrase is "I waited till i saw the Sun" :)

Random Fact #9
I can't sleep beautiful. I always move to the other side of bed and sometimes i'm talking while i'm sleeping. Mom always try to make me awake when i'm starting talking but she said i will talking louder when she try it.

Random Fact #10
Since i was kid i used to right down about my feel. Mom always bought me a new Diary when the old one is full. But now i rarely writing Diary 'cause i have The One who can share with. But it doesn't mean i stop writing i'm still writing in here right? hehe


Greetings and Challenge

Hello bloggy world. Finally i have my own page here :)
I named this bloggy Coupe des Mots means, a Cup of words. I used French 'cause i have a big passion on it and i thought that's a suite name to this blog. I suddenly got that name when i saw my dashboard's Tumblr and i found a Cup picture and that name was instantly crossing in my mind. I started blogging since a year ago by using Tumblr and just a couple hours ago i think i should have one page on blogger to make some differences on blogging. So that's my reason why this page was born.

So by this post, i'd like to do this challenge which i found it last night when i did blogwalking. So this is the challenge

The rule is, we have to update our blog every days for one month by these different topic per-day:

  • Day #1 . Introduce yourself , post recent picture of you and 10 random facts about you
  • Day #2. Song to match your mood today
  • Day #3 A picture of something that makes you happy 
  • Day #4 Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality 
  • Day #5 Something you dont leave the house without 
  • Day #6 Love 
  • Day #7 How you hope your future would be
  • Day #8 Something you miss
  • Day #9 Your favorite movie
  • Day #10 Your favorite picture with your bestfriend
  • Day #11 Your dream wedding
  • Day #12 Put your iPod on shuffle, and write what memory you had in mind when u heard the songs 
  • Day #13 Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
  • Day #14 Your Childhood facts 
  • Day #15 What kind of person that attracts you
  • Day #16 Your dream conversation with your idol
  • Day #17 Dream House
  • Day #18 Whats in your head right now
  • Day #19 Describe one thing that is located near you 
  • Day #20 Describe what kind of moment that makes you blush
  • Day #21 Give pictures of 5 guys that you find attractive
  • Day #22 Your dream bedroom
  • Day #23 wrote a letter to someone you know 
  • Day #24 Nicknames
  • Day #25 What kind of person that you find annoying
  • Day #26 your favorite place to hang out
  • Day #27 what you have wished about today
  • Day #28 If you have your own invisibility cloak, what are you going to do with it?
  • Day #29 Goals for the next 30 days
  • Day #30 Your highs and lows of this month 

I actually started the first challenge yesterday and i posted it on my Tumblr. Today is actually my second day and i will do the second day challenge today, and for the first day post, i will move it here from tumblr.
So, let's pouring the words :)
