Thursday, December 27, 2012

23 : 46

It's almost end of the year and i'm blissfully bout things that i have today.
I've waited December like a zombie. it's always been my favorite month cause, ya know, Christmas is in the air and rainy season, family gathered, church times, it is just the best season indeed. the 25th was passed but the euphoria still here and i guess it'll stay lil bit longer. i was enjoying my 25th with family but not with him. anyway, it's been a year for my long distance relationship. how it feels? like roller coaster. there's a time i feel totally mad cause i can't dating with him and it makes totally lame, but once we're dating the sensation seems like our first date. disturbance sometimes come but we could handle it so far. we might be getting busy each other and sometimes, honestly, i feel like i'm boring him cause we have no more time for calling every night. this is the hardest part knowing that communication is the most important thing in my relationship. but so far things going fine and i know he's really busy with his office's stuff not other things. i know it cause he really took very serious on his career. he's one of the best employees on his office and got promoting and now he's starting his new position. i'm surely proud of him. he's the best man i've ever met and hope we're always will stick together.
Two weeks ahead i'll have final semester test. this is my first final test on college. and i had super days on this semester. i have great friends they are just like my new family. they really know bout my feel and they can accept me the way i am. i am me with them. hope that we all could pass the test extremely good and we got the best score :)

anyway, i'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas (: Christmas means Peace, Peace means Love, and Love is about Sharing. Share your Love to all people, and let them feel the Peace of Christmas :)


Friday, October 05, 2012

New Colleger says HI!

Life has been so hectic recently but i definitely enjoy it. My lectures are really nice though those tasks are really annoying and my lecturers seems like can't stop giving that every week! In the firsts week i was so exhausted and my condition was almost dropped, even my voice was lost almost in a week. Which was that meant a disaster! I couldn't singing out loud like i used to. argghh it was just like a nightmare! yep i know that's kinda over, but it was really disturbing me and decreasing my mood. But i'm getting well right now even my voice is getting louder, that's what my friends said. Oh yeah about my new besties! I thanked God i could be one of the Sociology 2k12! They are... ehem i mean, We are awesome and rock!! i'm blessed having friends like 'em cause they are funny, enjoying and they are just my new mood boosters. I just love them! :)
Fyi, i'm one of the Airlangga University Choir too:D. Got accepted after i join the selection test and i think i just got a very nice luck cause my voice was lost -as i told u- when i did the test. And somehow my group in PUKMB, it's like an orientation for the new member of the choir and we were divided into 4 groups and we were compete to got the first place in this little choir contest and the winner is BUJAH, that's my group :D:D we were  practiced like a crazy but so much fun. I love them all too hehe :):)
This new 'world' to me is giving a lot of friends. Not just a friend but a family. I hope this relation last till forever. Nothing's greater than being one of them -for this time hehe-

Playing Bass recently hahak

That's all my Sociology mates. Here are BUJAH :D

Thanks Friendos :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


So last Saturday, that was August 11th, i turned to 18! Feel totally blessed and grateful with all the things that i have and being the person i am today. I really thank to God that i could get the best University, it's one of my big dream and God is totally kind gimme that chance to made one of my dream come true and it's simply the best gift ever! I love Jesus!!
Talking bout gifts, i got something from my boyfriend and i really like, no i mean, I really LOVE it! I thought he would gimme something like ehmm doll, may be, or scrapbooks but instead this,

Yep, That's Fuji Instax 7s! and it's WHITE! (Sorry for bad resolution pic) I completely surprised cause i've never told him that i like it and if he already known it, i never hope that he'll give me that as my gift cause i think it's over budget and i don't want to make him spend his money. But overall I totally HAPPY and HAPPY and HAPPY!! :D Thanks so much mon petit ami :*:*(hugs!)

and here are my shots that i took with my new lovely toycam :D

But here is my Favorite :):*

And i have a new hobby! :D:D

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Thursday is asking

I feel good to answer some questions right know. So here we goww!!

1. Who is the last person you think of before you fall asleep?

2. What is your favorite nickname?
    Natassyasya :D

3. Something you do when alone but not when others are around?
    Singin out loud

4. Have any phobias?
    Hmm not really

5. Favorite type of car (dream car counts)?
    Morris Oxford!!

6. Have a blog?
    Yep! I have 2 actually

7. Your purpose to make a blog?
    To practice my English and I like writing :)

8. Top 10 songs?
    You should watch MTV or something i guess

9. Top 10least favorite songs?
    Don't know why, Adelaide Sky, Overjoyed, Edge of desire, Sweet disposition, Mushaboom, Hoppipolla, Still a friend of mine, Mind trick, Moon river.

10. Least favorite band?
    Hmmm. For now Sigur ros

11. Dream vacation?
     Europe tour!! :D

12. Dream date?
     Ride on Gondola :D

13. Favorite animal?
     Deer (I've never seen though)

14. Favorite eye color?

15. Favorite book?
     Princess diaries!!

16. Dream house?
     I've posted about it. Just find it out

17. Where would you like to live (other planets count)?

18. How old are you?
     almost 18 in couple days

19. Favorite era for music?
     2000ish. when Alicia Keys debuted her first album. Is that 2000ish?

20. If you had to repopulate the earth, who would you want your "partner" to be?
     Hmm Superman (dahh --)

21. Favorite celebrity?
    Anne Hathaway and Zooey Deschannel

22. if you could choose how you looked, what would you look like?
    I love being me!

23. Dream dob (date of birth)?
    August, 11th is perfect :)

24. least favorite chore?

25. Favorite color?

26. Least favorite color?
    Pink, Navy Blue, Peach, Brown, i love colorful

27. Top 5 favorite blogs?
    Diana rikasari, Anizabelle, Scathingly Brilliant, Curious damsel, Raditya Dika

28. Favorite tv show?

29. Top 5 favorite movies?
     500 days of Summer, A walk to remember, Letters to Juliet, Midnight in Paris, Angels and Demons

30. Least favorite movie?
     500 days of Summer

31. Band you'd like to see in concert?
     Barry Likumahuwa Project

32. If you could know anything about your future, what would you want to know (1item allowed)?
     My Job

33. Favorite cd?
     Alicia Keys

34. Ever met someone famous?

35. If you could go back in time, what era would you travel back to (1960,1980-----)?

Wanna ask me more? Go here :):)

Friday, July 27, 2012

World's smiling to me

How's life people? mine? So much relief! I finally got accepted to my dream university. Yepp Airlangga University major Sociology '12 :D. I'm so excited to meet my new friends, get new knowledge, and experiences. As u know i actually wanna take International Relations as my major but somehow it didn't workin out so then i'm here with Sociology hahaha. I'm still happy though, at least i could take my dream faculty he he. And btw, i still have about a month to spending my last-days-holiday and i guess i will improve my drive skill by this buddy

That's si putih everyone hehe. Yesterday i was went to my college by that car and i drove it by myself! It was my first time driving a car alone haha so much fun hehe :3. 
Tomorrow is my mom's birthday! have to go now, gotta make something to her. toodles :3

Have a great day people, world is better when u smile :D

Friday, June 15, 2012

Heyow middle June!

Life is kinda hard for me recently. I guess God wants me to step one level higher. I did  my best and I believe He's doing the rest and i'll get the best :)
Btw, i am starting my long long holiday today. I have thousands plans to do with friends and self but first let me touch down this bloggy. And i want to say that i am really happy and thankful to you guys for the nice comments and being so kind follow my blog. It's really my big pleasure :) Thanks!
And today i actually not doing anything great just...

That's all i can do haha! Btw, last night i watched Thai movie called The Love of Siam. My extra class' mate gave it to me couple weeks ago he said that it's a good movie and he's right. But actually is not a 'normal' story it's kinda different but it has a strong message. Just watch it and it'll make you galau all day long hahaha.
Euro Cup is in the air who's your favorite? me, of course FRANCAIS! :D

Have a great days people. Stays grateful :)

Shuffle songs:
Alicia keys, Zee Avi, Sigur Ros, Norah Jones, The Temper Trap, and Justin Bieber (!)

Monday, May 21, 2012


Recently i can't sleep 8 hours a day (well, that's my normal boundary). Can't sleep tightly.
so much thing that always across in my mind. hope all the things just find.
That Cat just stole my sleep (?)

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Happy Belated!

Few days ago was my mom and dad wedding anniversary. we just had a super diner at home, my grandma cooked us the best Spaghetti and we were ordered some Pizzas. Though it's just a super ordinary celebration, we had a great time.

Love you Mom, Love you Dad

Monday, May 07, 2012

Something i saw something i like

Recently i'm dying curious how to make some vintage feel on Photoshop so i browsed yesterday and i got several tutorials. and somehow i got the quickest trick and i like it so much. it's very easy. and here are my result hehe.

i took 'em about a year ago when me and my family went to Bandung and Jogja for holiday. They're mostly taken when we were on the trip around the Pantura zone and some of them were taken at Jogja and Bandung of course.
i really am interest on photography thingy but unfortunately i don't have a 'good  enough' media and skill. So i just can improve with several things that i have such as cam pocket and cellphone's camere hah! But it doesn't matter i think ehehe. btw, you could try it too. it's totally easy, just follow the tutorial here. My tip is, i think it'll be work better if you use a pic that has a blue tone majority like sky or sea or something. Just improve it and you could add some vignette effect, but it's all depends on your desire. Good luck!
Hope those pics aren't make your eyes pull out. cherrios!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Gods Island

Just came back from Bali last Monday, too bad i just stayed about 2 days and the schedule was arranged not really good, but so much fun! and how stupid i was cause i leaved my cam pocket on the first day -_- so i just have some pics on day 1. I'm still hunting some pics that i took with my friends' camera he he he. btw, here are some pics that i have

I wanna go back!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The rest of these things

One mission completed!
The National Examination was going totally well and i believe i did my best. And for the result i just can rely on Him.
3 years pass so fast. and start from yesterday i dont need to go to school anymore cause is all done, so, i just take some extra classes for preparing the test for get accept to college which called SNMPTN. It will be the same as school but still. it's totally different.
and by this post i want to thank to these thingy who always accompanying me trough days at school :p

Thank you legendary uniform. Everyone waited to wear you for about 9 years since we're at 1st grade in elementary! Though you're getting mbulak each days, you still have that 'charisma' somehow and i'm always confident wearing you. And for you mr. Baggy! thank you so much for carrying all my books these past 3 years. Since we've met 3 years ago at Elizabeth, i've never been wore any bags else to go to school. It's always been you. Guys, it's time for y'all to get a rest. Thanks for these 3 years :)

People said high school is the best part in life. Well, im not really feel that 'best feel' yet, but for now i feel good enough. At least high school gave a lot of stories that unforgettable.

a week ahead i'll have about 5 days on Bali with all my high school mates it will be so much fun! cant wait for it :D. i'll post some pics here after i get there hehe :D
okey i think it's enough for now and fyi, this bloggy is still under construction so it's still pretty mess.

toodless have a great Friday!
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