Thursday, December 27, 2012

23 : 46

It's almost end of the year and i'm blissfully bout things that i have today.
I've waited December like a zombie. it's always been my favorite month cause, ya know, Christmas is in the air and rainy season, family gathered, church times, it is just the best season indeed. the 25th was passed but the euphoria still here and i guess it'll stay lil bit longer. i was enjoying my 25th with family but not with him. anyway, it's been a year for my long distance relationship. how it feels? like roller coaster. there's a time i feel totally mad cause i can't dating with him and it makes totally lame, but once we're dating the sensation seems like our first date. disturbance sometimes come but we could handle it so far. we might be getting busy each other and sometimes, honestly, i feel like i'm boring him cause we have no more time for calling every night. this is the hardest part knowing that communication is the most important thing in my relationship. but so far things going fine and i know he's really busy with his office's stuff not other things. i know it cause he really took very serious on his career. he's one of the best employees on his office and got promoting and now he's starting his new position. i'm surely proud of him. he's the best man i've ever met and hope we're always will stick together.
Two weeks ahead i'll have final semester test. this is my first final test on college. and i had super days on this semester. i have great friends they are just like my new family. they really know bout my feel and they can accept me the way i am. i am me with them. hope that we all could pass the test extremely good and we got the best score :)

anyway, i'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas (: Christmas means Peace, Peace means Love, and Love is about Sharing. Share your Love to all people, and let them feel the Peace of Christmas :)


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