Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It's been too long since the last post, so i think i should stop the 30 days Challenge cause it's out of date. feels sorry i can't completing the challenges *blah!* Anyways i am finally on Holidays!! Yes! i can sleep as late as i want and i can wake up as noon as my eyes want to open, and i can spending all of the time by doing something that i want. BUT, i can't go out date with mon petit-ami cause since couple weeks ago he has been worked at one company at Jakarta. So i just could Skype-ing. miss him so much :(
So by this time, it's just me, and this bloggy. hah!

Btw anw busway, last December 23rd i finally met nadya and rachel. Did little bit photoshoot and we were talked about 4 hours nonstop! World is much better if we met right persons like them. we were talking about friendship around our school life. We chatted about one type person which we called kutu kupret kecoak hamil dimakan rayap (well, actually i named it by myself hehe) or a.k.a disaster. There's always one person like them in one of community and we all certainly have or know that person (or may be that's us! *nah loh). and by our stories i got that they have the same traits like selfish, hypocrite, and good story tell even they can arrange a new story instantly. well, they should be a novelist right? haha. But then i look at myself. I have that traits too and i bet everyone have it. it's depend of us how to put ourselves in society and how to optimizing our good traits. but it's totally hard cause world is gettin' crazy every day. but we have to try right?
Then we were arguing how to treat them. Rachel said that she was in a big anger caused by her kutu kupret version, and she said that she once hit the table cause she was really upset by the kutu kupret's lambe. Since i've met Rachel (that's about 8 years ago) i've never seen she's angry. She's the most patient girl i've ever known (don't be so happy rachel if u read this) how come the kutu kupret made rachel like that? Is she a Medusa or something?
And nadya and me just the same. We are facing one girl who never know how to thank, and always consider herself a mature person and a wise person but instead she just like hmmm well you know lah. they just know about the theory but they can't do that. Pitty huh? TOTALLY!
Then after we arguing we decided to keep calm and just say "yes" to them. In the other words 'ga mau ambil pusing. But when they are kebacut, we should do something like throw them to the river *krik* just tell them that they were wrong and we dont like them if they blah blah blah... or something like that hehe.
Anyways here are us :D

Polaroid :D

moi, nadya, et rachel

Anyway, December this year is fine but it feels half empty. I guess it's because i cant spend the Christmas with my grandpa nor with him. But most of all still the same. Still wonderful and joyful. Merry Christmas all :D Happy Holidays :)

May God Blessing us all the time :)

P.S. : Sorry for the grammarless and for those people hehe. God Bless :)


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