Saturday, August 22, 2015

From The Tuesday Man

Who is he you may ask?
He is a professor, sociologist, dancer, art-appreciator and a great human being. I met him in words arranged by Mitch Albom through his Tuesdays With Morrie. And for me there's no other fascinating way to meet a person in their stories.
What do i really admire from Morrie is his perspective to see things especially about death. Things that people scared of and the reason of despair. But he had his own glasses for see through the death. He seemed enjoying his last days surrounded by his loves and share all of his thoughts, and were honest about everything in life. He had no fear, he just let things happened as it was and were being brave to facing death. By his lecture, i learned that how precious every second we have in our life. And there's no time for us to regret things that happened in our life cause it's indeed the part of living. We don't need to keep asking why cause it is the way. So just keep moving forward and deal with it.
Yes, it's damn hard right?
But Morrie gave the key. He said according to the Buddhist, "Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent". Our shits nowadays are mostly about letting go something. We usually wondering why those good things must be vanish in our phase of life when we actually feel that we really cling, connected, and comfort. It's indeed hurt but what else we could do when they are really want to go? Things on this world has its period so just take it easy.
That is just a piece from his other brilliant thoughts. But I surely will reread this beautiful books when i reach my 70ish age. Hoping that i will have the same brave and excitement as Morrie in learning about death and at once appreciating life.

Great book indeed!

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Ephemeral Sunshine Instead


These past 3 months went hard, annoying, exhausting, and confusing. I couldn't get my own longing, my own thoughts, my own feeling, even my own deeds. Things were going too fast i guess so my brain couldn't catch it as fast as it comes.
The bomb has already blown up right at the 10th seconds not at 0 as it used to be. I ain't prepared that much so yeah i kinda messed up.
Keep blaming all this universe why this has to be happened again on me and why i have to drink the same tears like i've done it before.
And still believing that things would be fine like it used to when the fact everything has been wrecked into pieces.
So then i found myself laughing to me.
For being that stupid and being such a pathetic girl, a whore, and a loser.

and it hits me that i think Summer was right
"Love is just a fantasy"

It's enough for me to see that all these people are just the same.
So i am stop doing this thing. i am exhausted
i really need a rest, God.
These wounds are really more than enough.
I'm done and it was really great! Yes I mean it! so please stop.

Funny isn't it to see and experiencing  your favorite movie is rolling in your own life?
Hey Tom i know that feel!
